There’s no better way to get kids talking about, laughing at, and interested in books than a good read aloud. Some books just come alive when read aloud to a group of eager ears and eyes. These are some of my favorites!

The Bunny family adopts a new son, but their daughter Dot is not impressed. In fact, she’s worried because her new brother is a wolf! She tries to warn her parents that Wolfie will eat them all up, but her parents are too smitten with Wolfie to listen. One day it is Wolfie, not Dot, who is threatened. Can Dot help her new brother?

Mo Willems is a perennial favorite. There isn’t a book of his that my kids haven’t enjoyed. In Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus, the pigeon tries his best to let you the reader say it’s okay for him to drive the bus when the regular driver takes a short break. Kids love that the pigeon talks directly to them and that they can interact with the book.
*Bonus Book: The Pigeon Needs a Bath!
Digger, Crane, and Dozer work hard every day to build tall buildings, bridges, and roads. But when Digger finds a blue flower in the middle of their rubble, he stops to care for it. When the city is full of buildings and there is only one spot left to fill, Dozer starts his engine and cuts the flower down before Digger can protest. Digger then sets out on a new course, away from the city, to salvage what remains of the flower.
An alphabet classic! The letters of the alphabet race up a coconut tree. Kids love the easy to repeat chant of the story.

Kids love the easy to read Fly Guy Series! This book puts a spin on the “There was an old lady who swallowed a fly” story. When Buzz and his pet fly Fly Guy go to Grandma’s house, she accidentally swallows Fly Guy… and then a spider and then a cat and so on. It’s a great combination of an old nursery rhyme and an introduction to a new series kids love to dive into.
Two mice battle it out over one rock. As they battle, they only ever use one word: mine! The bright illustrations and clever mice shenanigans will have kids on the edge of their seats.

Rosie loves inventing and dreams of becoming an engineer. Rosie decides to help her great-great-aunt Rose achieve her unfinished goal of flying, and Rosie helps in the best way she knows how: by building a contraption that can fly!
However, the contraption doesn’t work as Rosie expects and labels the whole thing a failure. Her great-great-aunt Rose sees it differently though. Rose shares with Rosie that you only fail if you quit.
*Bonus Books: Iggy Peck,Architect & Ada Twist, Scientist

The much loved classic! When Max is sent to his room for misbehaving, he takes a very imaginative journey to the place where the Wild Things live. He tames them, becomes their king, and has a wild rumpus! But after all the fun, Max is lonely and wants to be back home, so he sets sail for his bedroom.

Everyone knows how Humpty Dumpty fell off that wall, but have you ever wondered what happened after? This book is about picking up the pieces after an accident. Our stories don’t stop when we make mistakes. What matters is what happens after we get back up.

Jabari is ready to jump off the diving board! But first, he needs to figure out what kind of jump to do. And he should probably stretch, too. Even though Jabari is a great jumper and he’s passed his swim test, the diving board is still a little intimidating. With the help of his patient and encouraging father, Jabari prepares himself for the jump.

When a piece of peanut butter bread is feeling lonely, he tries to find a friend, but it’s not as easy as you might think. Is there someone perfect out there for peanut butter? Does he have a soulmate in this world?
Kids laugh out loud when reading this book! Peanut Butter and Cupcake pairs friendship and silliness together just like peanut butter and…
Sharing the core message from the bestselling book Wonder, We’re All Wonders shows how Auggie feels everyday: like any other kid. Despite his extraordinary face, Auggie is just an ordinary boy who love his dog, Daisy.
Stick and Stone become friends after Stick saves Stone from a situation with a pinecone. But when the tables are turned, can Stone save Stick? Stick and Stone is a fun book about making and helping friends.
- Wolfie the Bunny
- Don’t Let the PigeonDrive the Bus!
- The Digger and theFlower
- Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
- There Was an Old LadyWho Swallowed Fly Guy
- Mine!
- Rosie Revere, Engineer
- Where the Wild ThingsAre
- After the Fall
- Jabari Jumps
- Peanut Butter andCupcake
- We’re All Wonders
- Stick and Stone